About User Experience
What site users say about UX: interface, browsing, design, consultation, registration, ergonomics, loading speed ...

"Fast and user-friendly"
"Professional and serious website.Easy to browse through."
"I have not been able to create an account from my iPad, however no problem on PC."
We take your remark into account: the login icon is at the top right of the header on site. If you are a new user, you can create an account by clicking on No account? Create one here
"I haven't tried to place an order yet but the website runs pretty well"
"Impossible d'ouvrir les pages produits dans un nouvel onglet. Malgré cela le site est facile d'utilisation et il garde le panier en mémoire même si on est obligé d'interrompre sa recherche."
About Products
What visitors and customers say about our range of products : categories, technicality, choice, pictures, descriptions, data sheets...

"Clear descriptions products : specifications, drawings, connections, etc."
"Site pratique pour approvisionner en une seule étape l'ensemble des équipements pour une ligne d'échappement."
"I looked for the guarantee and couldn't find it, maybe it is given for each product?"
Manufacturer's warranty, when offered by the manufacturer of the product is applicable. Refer to paragragh 11 of our Terms of use.
"How to get my transportation price ?"
For smaller products, you can get a transport rate per unit. Given the variety of our products, and the possible delivery destinations, we make every effort to provide a personalized transport quotation within 24 to 48 hours. Refer to paragragh 5 of our Terms of use.
"Muchísimas opciones para encontrar precisamente el producto necesario para cumplir con las exigencias de su instalación."
About Services
What our customers say about the quality of our services: reception, response time, customer care, quality procedures, payment security...

"Detailed quotation received within 24 hours. Our maintenance team really appreciated the quick response time."
"Gran pericia del servicio al cliente, con recomendaciones personalizadas para mi caso."
"Suivi de commande sérieux. Délais respectés."
"Thanks, I will keep you in mind for any future project which would benefit from your application."
"Ottimo e cordiale servizio clienti !"
"We appreciated the quality control before delivery."
"Le service technique a pris le temps de m'orienter sur les caractéristiques pour me permettre de sélectionner le produit adapté à mes spécifications. "